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March 10, 2023

How Much Does Cost of Surrogacy in Laos 2023

Now you can get the most affordable Surrogacy Cost in Laos

The Cost of Surrogacy in Laos is less than the cost of surrogacy in western counterpart countries, especially the USA, where the sum amount of Surrogacy sometimes exceeds $100,000 without even promising for guarantees ending in successful result; however in Laos, the cost of this ART technique is much more reasonable and also some agents put forward guaranteed program of Surrogacy with an affordable package of surrogacy. Guaranteed program of surrogacy in Laos is the course, where the clinic or centre keeps trying until the gestational surrogate gets pregnant. 

Several individuals question regarding the cost variation of Surrogacy from one country to another country, there are various reasons behind this fact. In some of the developed nation, take an instance of the USA, where the living cost is much higher and also the employees get a decent pay-scale, the total per capita income in such countries is often 3 to 4 times that of developed countries. Due to this reason, the surrogate mothers in these developed countries are paid high to carry an embryo till delivery. Another reason for the pricey cost of surrogacy is the insurance cost of hospitals or clinics that some centres take.

However, in Laos, there is not such an expense or guidelines which a couple is required to pay for their Surrogacy Cost in Laos. Surrogacy centres in Laos charge the appropriate and economical cost of Surrogacy from the couples who are seeking most level-headed Cost of Surrogacy in Laos.

Surrogacy post
Surrogacy post

Why should you trust SELECT IVF for Surrogacy in Laos?

  • First-stage top counseling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for Surrogacy treatment in Laos
  • Sky-high Surrogacy success rates in Laos
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 9899293903

At Select IVF Laos, you can get what you have been longing for –  

At Select IVF Laos a patient undergoes their surrogacy treatment with the best and most experienced surrogate (who has all past medical history clear and suitable). Select IVF Laos creates the long-delayed journey of surrogacy into a soothing and easy-going process. Unlike other countries, where there are several charges combined in surrogacy cost, we never ask or add additional charges in Surrogacy cost in Laos; we do have the payment mode of instalments as well to avoid the load of onetime payment of surrogacy.  

Cost of Surrogacy in Laos
Cost of Surrogacy in Laos

At Select IVF Laos, a couple can easily get what they have been planning for and dreaming for- Yes! A sweet, baby. We fulfil your dream to hear Mom and Dad soon by suggesting and performing appropriate and most suitable fertility treatment with the best guidance of world-class fertility veterans.  We are the one that provides Surrogacy Cost in Laos in the cheapest range.

Curious to know the exact Cost of Surrogacy in Laos?

Surrogacy Cost in Laos is reasonable and based on easy-payment mode, that’s the reason why several couples or intended couples wish to have their baby via surrogacy method at Laos.

The Surrogacy cost in Laos is $38,000- $40,000 including all the procedure, wherein –

  • Fit and healthy Surrogate Mother for Surrogacy procedure is given
  • IVF treatment included
  • Lab charges throughout the entire process
  • Care and personalized attention of Surrogate
Surrogacy ProcedureCost (Surrogacy Package)
Surrogacy using own eggs & own sperms$18000 to $22000
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own sperms$19000 to $23000
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggs$19000 to $25000
IVF (cost) & Embryo Transfer (Cost)Up to $5000
Surrogate Mother Selection (Cost)+ Blood Tests (Cost) + Surrogate Mother Preparation (Cost)Up to $2500
Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUp to $1000
cesarean section or C-section Delivery CostUp to $1200 to $2500
Housing for Surrogate mother (Cost) + Food (Cost)Up to $4000

Delivery step We provide complete surrogacy package at just USD 38,000 and give the matchless steps in surrogacy procedure Laos.  Most agencies or Surrogacy centres in Laos begin their package of Surrogacy upward USD 60,000 and more but at Select IVF Laos, you will get all in one at affordable Cost of Surrogacy in Laos.

An intended couple also gets guaranteed program of surrogacy, where we keep trying to attain successful fertilization until the surrogate gets pregnant (as long as the centre doesn’t get feasible intended couple’s frozen embryos).

Surrogacy Cost in Laos by this Centre is crystal-clear and never applied an additional or hidden charge on the total sum amount of surrogacy cost. Despite this, a couple gets a session with the fertility experts or coordinator, who elaborates the entire Cost of Surrogacy in Laos in a highly-structured manner, also provide all the cases that may happen in the surrogacy process like early delivery or if any other charges may apply (emergency case).

Cost of Surrogacy in Laos
Cost of Surrogacy in Laos

Success rate of surrogacy in Laos

Do you want to know if you will succeed with the surrogacy treatment or not. So through this success table, you are going to be aware of the success rate of surrogacy in Laos. In this table, we have included different types of surrogacy treatment which completes using the donor’s eggs and sperm. 

Surrogacy treatmentsSuccess rate of surrogacy
Surrogacy using own eggs & own sperms( gestational surrogacy)75% to 95%
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own sperms( traditional surrogacy)85% to 95%
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggs80 %to 90%
IVF  & Embryo Transfer 85% to 90%

The success rate of surrogacy with self-egg and sperm is more than 80 to 90%, whereas the success rate of surrogacy with donor’s sperm and eggs provides a high success rate which is around 90 to 95%. 

Points need to be considered while taking surrogacy services in Laos

There are points that need to be considered before going to treatment. The Centre you are going to suggest is select IVF which provides you with all the services that you need during treatment. The one will get well-trained staff which ensures the environment is friendly with the team of doctors including gynecologists, embryologists, and urologists. For more info read the points written below:

i. The patient-focused assistance of the Centre

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the whole process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903 | Email ID: [email protected]

Why go for Select IVF Laos for your Surrogacy procedure?

Although there are some centres for surrogacy in Laos that give decent success rate, Select IVF Laos is considered as the best and preferred centre to go for surrogacy treatment within the means of couples’ budget. Surrogacy Cost in Laos is reasonable and far affordable at this centre measuring up to other centres located at Laos.

We also take utmost care of our surrogates, who diligently work and tenderly carry the fetus in their womb for 9 months safely and hand-over the newborn to actual parent.

Parental care is very important, however, at some centres, the surrogate mother (after intended couple’s embryo transfer process) is not properly looked after and doesn’t get all the advanced amenities which the surrogates need to carry-out successful pregnancy and delivery. Hence, a couple before selecting any centre needs to make sure about each step after or before the embryo transfer.

  • At Select IVF Laos, fertility team takes personalized care and visits our surrogates within few days to ensure that she is doing well, timely taking her parental medication (such as folic acid prescribed by the specialist), pursuing healthy lifestyle etc.
  • At this centre, a couple gets the Surrogacy Cost in Laos on bargain basement priced.
  • The patient gets each advance amenity at this centre (we are always there to suggest and shed light on each perspective).

This centre is one of the leading ART centres that give a high success rate in each ART treatment. We have the capable and proficient fertility team in Laos that include a senior patient manager, specialist, senior specialist, nurses, and the care-taker for our surrogates. If you do have further questions regarding the Cost of Surrogacy in Laos, then you can easily get connected with us via mail, call or even simple text, we will revert your query soon without much delay.

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  • Aramis

    Hi, interested to discuss more with you…

    • chu

      I interest in surrogacy and I would like to discuss the detail.

  • Luis A Garcia

    I interested in the surrogacy plan . Connect with me thanks .

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